Meet Lilly and River. They are 9th graders at North Moore High School. They are both great students and enjoy being around their friends at school. Before school one morning, I brought out a set of LittleBits and allowed students in the Media Center to play around with them to figure out what they were. Lilly and River joined in the fun and tried to see if they could figure out what each color represented to create an invention.
That creative spark has since lit a fire that can be seen nearly everyday at North Moore High School. These two ladies are leaders amongst their peers and have shown an interest in ensuring that North Moore High School's MakerSpace is a success. They have since used some of the Video Recording material in the MakerSpace to make their own reenactment of a Spice Girls music video, as well as participate in the creation of a piano made out of banana's using the Makey Makey.
River and Lilly are looking forward to the MakerSpace once it fully opens after Christmas Break.