Monday, May 15, 2017

Let's Create and Write About It

Sometimes it is difficult to get students to write. Writing flows much easier for most students if they are invested personally in the process. In these projects we were able to tie the Engineering Design Process, student creations and writing together with an end product of a complete essay. What we found in the process of this project is that students are excited to write about their creation.

We followed the following process and students wrote about each step.

Image use from this source.

Step 1: Define the Problem (Introduction paragraph to essay): Teachers present a problem that needs to be solved in a very general form. 
Step 2: Plan the Solution (Paragraph in the essay):  This is the brainstorming phase. Students use graph paper to sketch out their design.
Step 3: Make a Model (Paragraph in the essay): Students use a program such as Tinkercad to design their idea.
Step 4: Test the Model (Paragraph in the essay): 3D models are printed and students check for accuracy.
Step 5: Reflect and Redesign (Closing Paragraph in essay): Students reflect on what should be changed in the design. What worked and what did not work? 

Fidget Toy Designed by a student at Pinecrest High School

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