Friday, April 25, 2014

Teacher Feature

For this week's Teacher Feature I would like to recognize science teacher Randy Brady from North Moore High School in Robbins, NC.

Mr. Brady is a veteran in the science department at North Moore and has incorporated technology into his lessons for years.  As a technology "go-to" at NM for years, Mr. Brady has been leading the way with the 1:1 Chromebook Digital Conversion.  Mr. Brady has really taken advantage of the students in his class having access to digital technology by using web tools such as Kahoot!, Discovery Education and the Google Suite of tools (Docs, Forms, Presentations, Spreadsheets, etc.).

One of Mr. Brady's favorite tools is Discovery Education.  Using the Writing Prompt Builder tool within Discovery Education, Mr. Brady is able to share video clips with students.  Students then watch the videos at their own pace and then explain their understanding by responding to questions he provides about the video.  This increases content knowledge while increasing students communication skills through writing/typing.

I want to thank Mr. Randy Brady for being a leader in Moore County Schools and the North Moore community throughout the entire Digital Conversion process.  His enthusiasm for learning is contagious and helps calm the nerves of those fearful of digital learning.  If you would like to contact Mr. Brady click here.


Tyler Callahan

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