An augmented reality environment, includes elements of the real world and virtual world simultaneously. AR has been around for years, but has recently become more developed to use in the classroom. There are a series of AR apps that are available for IOS and Android devices for free, and are easy to use. Below I will highlight a couple of my favorite AR apps and how you can implement them into your instruction.
Anatomy 4D

I have never heard more "oohs and aahs" then when showing this app to students and teachers. This app was developed by the company DAQRI, and allows users to experience the human body in a 4D environment. This is a terrific way to supplement instruction on the human body and cardiovascular system. To use Anatomy 4D, the user will need to go to the DAQRI website and print the two sheets needed for the app (human body and heart). After these sheets are printed, they can be scanned to get an amazing view of the body systems.
AR Flashcards
The beauty of AR Flashcards, is that there are several topics of study within one app. I have shown this to kindergarten through third grade teachers, and many are eager to implement this next year. With this app, children can practice naming letters of the alphabet, shapes, and planets. Simply go to the AR Flashcards website, and print off the pages of your choice. This a terrific tool for younger students to practice foundational skills, in a bright new way!
Augmented reality is the mixture of virtual reality with real life, using layers of computer generation to enable us an enhanced interaction with reality. This is usually done through apps (such as Pokemon GO), but can also be used for sporting events, driving, and much more. Virtual reality, on the other hand, is a completely artificial, computer-generated simulation of a real-life experience.
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