The Mobile Computer Science
Principles Project (Mobile CSP)
is funded by the National Science Foundation providing a broad and rigorous
introduction to computer science while implementing App Inventor, a mobile
programming language for Android devices. Source Link
The course is based on the
College Board's emerging Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles
curriculum framework for introductory computer science...
...and yes...some of our
Moore County Middle School Students at West Pine are participating in this
exciting learning opportunity!
Thanks to a grant funded by the Public Education Foundation, West Pine Middle and Crain's Creek Middle Schools were able to purchase some Android devices, which are equipped to test student-created apps. Students learn how to create apps by using the App Inventor Programming Language in addition to learning all about computer science concepts such as binary numbers, abstractions, algorithms, parity checking, low and high level programming languages, logic gates, etc...
The West Pine Student
Coding Club Members are the pioneers of this Advanced Placement
trial program in middle school and are experiencing the exact same material
presently being offered at Pinecrest High School. These students now have
a solid foundation, which will allow them an added boost of confidence when
they experience the official AP Computer Science Course as high school students
next year or whenever they choose to take the course.
Crain's Creek Middle's 8th
Grade Business CTE Classes will be creating apps in April.
Example Code:
The West Pine Middle Coding Club Members look forward to showcasing their very own apps at the Moore County Schools Digital Showcase coming up on March 16th at 6:00pm at West Pine Elementary School.