Monday, October 17, 2016

Bringing Elements to Life with Augmented Reality

Cupcakes, Twizzlers, bottle caps.  When it comes to studying the periodic table, these are probably not materials that come to mind, right?  Not the case for eighth grade students at Westmoore Elementary who recently completed a mega periodic table project.  For this project, students were assigned a different element from the periodic table and were required to describe all of their element’s properties on folded piece of paper.  In addition, students created models using everyday materials and pantry items to represent their element’s atoms, with the correct number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in the proper place on the model.
Mega Periodic Table by 8th graders at Westmoore Elementary

Description of the element Fluorine
Thallium atom model

But they didn’t stop there.  After students presented their atoms, they linked photos of their models to their element cards with the augmented reality app Aurasma.   

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality (AR) layers content on top of a trigger image.  The content can be accessed by scanning a trigger image with a mobile device that creates a subsequent action. This action can be a video, another image, QR code, or whatever you want it to be.

For the Mega Periodic Table Project, students used the Aurasma app to layer pictures of their atom models on top of their periodic table card.  Now anyone with the Aurasma app can scan each element to view the models!

AR in the Classroom

Getting started with augmented reality in your classroom is as easy as downloading an AR app and printing out an AR trigger.

Here are a few of my personal favorite augmented reality apps and resources:

How can you use Augmented Reality in your own classroom to bring learning to life?


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