Pinecrest Students Decide Who We Can Trust in 2016
March 22nd, 2016
The 2016 presidential election season is in full swing. It is at the forefront of the news and our students’ minds. Accusations are flying freely and the decorum of the candidates is as low as we have seen since the 1830’s.
Shawna Farbotnik and Emma Robinson, both Civics and Economics teachers at Pinecrest High School in Southern Pines, wanted their students to critically analyze the claims of the candidates. Using the site, Politifact as a model, Shawna, Emma and I created a lesson that required students to identify six specific claims by one of the candidates, search for confirming or conflicting evidence using only reputable sources, and then present their work in front of a green screen.
The kids did a great job with their claims and research. The green screen work and editing threw us for a loop but they turned out well and we’ll know how to do a little better next time. Here is the link to our work, the lesson plan, and our rubric. As with all things, these are works in progress. Feel free to use in your room and if you figure something out send us the tip!
Will Herring
Digital Integration Facilitator