As the school year winds down and summer plans begin to take form, I want to take a few minutes and reflect on some of the great things that have happened this year.
Engineering Thread
- Before students returned in August, teachers were beginning to prep for the upcoming year. Teacher leaders in Moore County met with Curriculum Specialists to develop our Engineering Thread in K-5 classrooms.
- Early in the school year, our high school CyberPatriot Teams began the qualifying rounds for the State and National rounds of the competition that puts students in the place of newly hired IT professionals managing the network of small local businesses. One Union Pines CyberPatriot team received a State award for advancing to the 3rd Round.
Winter Warriors
- Before Christmas break, our middle and high school FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Robotics teams competed in a local warm-up called Winter Warriors. This event was hosted by Union Pines High School and was a great measuring stick for future FTC events. Robotics teams were able to practice their robots and programming on the actual Velocity Vortex playing field they would eventually see at Trinity High School in Durham, NC in January.
- In January, the DIF team traveled east to Ocracoke for a Team Planning Session at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching. While we were there we planned out our Spring activities (digital learning showcase, NCTIES presentations, elementary and middle school robotics events, STEM Camp).
FTC Robotics
- On January 28th, Moore County Schools took 7 FTC Teams to Trinity High School of Durham and Chapel Hill to compete at a Regional Qualifier event. Our teams were pitted against 15 other teams from around the state in an attempt to qualify for the State level Robotics Competition.
- In March, the North Carolina Technology In Education Society (NCTIES) had its annual conference in Raleigh at the Convention Center. This is always a great learning experience as we get to meet with colleagues to share ideas about how to effectively use technology and digital tools in the classroom. It is worth noting this year that 8 DIF's presented at NCTIES on topics like Coding in Middle School Math, Sustainable STEM Camps, our Elementary Engineering Thread and using the app SeeSaw in Elementary Schools to create portfolios.
Digital Learning Showcase
- In March, our students and teachers had an opportunity to show the community the great things they are doing in their classrooms with digital tools. We had our 3rd annual Digital Learning Showcase at West Pine Elementary. Teachers, students, parents and community members were invited to check out things like 3D printed fidget tools, custom built cell phone applications, programmed drones, play-dough pianos and robotic Lego arms.
Elementary Robotics Showcase
- A few weeks ago, May 12th, we held our 3rd Elementary Robotics Showcase at Pinecrest High School. The event has grown tremendously since our fist elementary robotics event held at Sandhills Farmlife in 2015. Students had to navigate terrains that depicted different cities around the United States but programming for different turns and objectives throughout the unknown landscapes. We also opened up our Elementary Robotics Showcase to other districts in our Region with Scotland County sending several teams the following day on Saturday.
Middle School Robotics Competition
- The following Friday, May 19th, we had our 2nd Middle School Robotics Competition. This year's competition provided opportunities for students to program robots to throw a football, pull a weighted sled, measure area of a building and traverse terrain with various obstacles. The middle school event was opened up to other schools in our region the following day as Scotland County schools brought 5 teams to the Saturday event.
STEM Camp and Advanced Robotics Camp
- STEM Camp will be our next big thing in the district. This year's STEM Camp will be held at New Century Middle School. There are two, 1-week camps (June 19-22 and June 26-29). This year we are partnering with the Moore County Airport to have an Aviation Theme culminating with the opportunity for campers to fly for free at the conclusion of camp on each Thursday. STEM Camp filled up at a record pace this year with over 280 applicants in the first week.
- This year is a first for our Advanced Robotics Camp (ARC). This camp will run during the first week simultaneously with our June 19-22 STEM Camp and will focus on preparing students for the FTC Robotics use in secondary schools. The ARC is open to rising 8-10 grade students and still has a few open spots. If you are interested in attending the Advanced Robotics camp please email me at
As we wind down (or wind up) for summer, it should not go unnoticed that our schools are in a dire financial situation. With the cuts that have been proposed, these events listed above will certainly be affected in some fashion. The support staff that makes things like this possible are vital in sustaining them. I feel like the people that will read this article already know about the great things teachers and students are doing in the district. My hope is that this article reaches those that do not know about all of the great things Moore County Schools students are achieving. My hope is that at least one person reads this article and thinks "We have to fully fund our schools". My hope is that people realize that Moore County children are our greatest investment. So I ask of you, share this article with others so the hard work our teachers, students and support staff get the notoriety they deserve. Share this article so we can let the community know what our students are capable of when they are funded. Share this article to be part of the solution.
Tyler Callahan
Digital Integration Facilitator